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CH341A bios flasher tutorial

Last updated on 1 year ago
levi990elevi990eSuper Admin
Posted 2 years ago
Here I'm going to write about the CH341A bios flasher and how to flash a socketed bios.

First thing to do to a CH341A, otherwise it will fry BIOS chips with 5V.
Video to the modification:

Files needed for the tutorial:
ASProgrammer: v.


UEFITool A58: (for .cap files) [ASUS and ASRock]

The CH341A flasher itself:

For whom who dont want to watch the video:
Just lift up the very first leg from the bottom right row of the chip and solder it to the middle pin of the regulator and the other its just a bridge from the middle pin of the regulator to the sixth pin from the top left row and that is the mod basically.

CH341A with the clip:

CH341A with the 1.8V adapter:

Main functions of As Programmer we are going to use mainly for this tutorial:

First download the AsProgrammer zip file and unpack it somewhere, where you can find it again later.
Install the drivers from the AsProgrammers/Driver/CH341A/ folder.




Thats it for the driver part.
Lets start with a mainboard that has a socketed bios.


The bios chip need to be lifted out from the socket carefully, get a fine tweezers under the chip which makes the process a bit easier.


Lift the lever on the CH341A upwards and put the chip into the socket in this orientation of the bios chip.


Get a good photo with your phone on the chip so the label is readable like so, since we sort of need to know the model of the bios chip.


Model is: GD25B64BP
Plug in the flasher and open up AsProgrammer.
Press on "detect chip" and it should say the right chip model.
If not, you can search it yourself under IC -> Search -> Type it into the "Conent:" field, but usually the "detect chip" should bring up the right one. Like in my example it brought up the right model.

Then press "Select" and then press on "Read IC" to read the conents of the bios chip and wait until its fully done.

After this is done click on File -> Save..and save the bios to somewhere safe.
Since it's always a good idea to make a backup of the existing contents of the Chip.

Now we go on the internet and download a new BIOS from the manufacturers website.


Download the bios file and extract it to somewhere, it will be .CAP file since Asus likes to encapsulate these bios files, open UEFITool and open the .cap file, then right click on it and extract body.


After this, open the saved .rom file in ASProgrammer and flash it to the bios chip.


Right click on the "Write IC" button and have Verify ticked on, after that click on the "Write IC" button and the .rom file will be flashed to the bios chip.


After its done with "Success", put the bios chip back into the motherboard and see if it posts.
Edited by levi990e on 20-09-2024 15:33, 5 months ago
levi990e attached the following image:
2022-01-10_14-34-35.jpg 2022-01-10_14-18-56.jpg 2022-01-10_14-17-41.jpg 2022-01-10_14-18-18.jpg 2022-01-10_14-16-10.jpg 2022-01-07_14-00-03.jpg 2022-01-10_15-07-01.jpg 2022-01-10_14-56-53.jpg asprogrammer1.jpg asprogrammer2.jpg asprogrammer3.jpg asprogrammer5.jpg asprogrammer42.jpg driver1.jpg driver2.jpg driver3.jpg gryphon.jpg gryphon2.jpg uefitoolextract.jpg
levi990elevi990eSuper Admin
Posted 1 year ago
AsProgrammer 04062021

CH341A Programmierer V 1,7 1,8 V Ebene Umwandlung W25Q64FW W25Q128FW GD25LQ64:
Edited by levi990e on 04-04-2024 17:48, 11 months ago
levi990e attached the following file:
asprogrammer_04062021.zip [7.42MB / 86 Downloads]
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